Platform Repairs

We had a pretty successful weekend on Feb 17, 18, 2017. We built a great platform on the bog, on the island at South View Estates. The platform sits right on the bog which is largely cattails but also supporting shrubs. so it might be semi stable. We used a tripod of the new environmentally approved 4 by 4- 16 feet long. At the base these are webbed with 2×4 1 foot above the bog. The idea being that they will sink into the bog but only down to our 2×4 web. Each leg is supported by a cement block. From the center we have hung 3 cement blocks on a ratchet strap, which we presume will also sink and then we can go back and adjust the ratchet to keep the pressure on and prevent wind blow down.

I wish I could say we knew what we were doing, but this is something  new and we invented as we went.  It looks good and substantial.  I am proud of it but we will see what happens after the thaw.  This platform was built partially as a monument to the husband of our long term member Jean Bird.  We moved the memorial plaque to the new platform.  We met with Jean, her daughter Maggie came out to the island with us and was very pleased.  By total coincidence last Saturday was the 18th anniversary of the death of Mr. Bird.

Unfortunately our other re-build project won’t get done due to lack of ice. but I think the osprey will still use the semi collapsed platform.

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