
This winter will be the 22nd anniversary of the erection of our first osprey platform at Alpine RV Park, Lindsay.  In the intervening years we have erected 35 platforms at Buckhorn, Lakefield, Peterborough, Omemee, Lake Scugog,  Kirkfield and many between Bobcaygeon and Lindsay.

We have seen many members and executives come and go.  We have worked with and trained over 100 Fleming College students in our work programs.  We have given osprey ecological presentations to thousands of students in their schools and at water festivals.

Our highlight may have been our osprey telemetry tracking program.  It took us 5 years to raise the $15,000 necessary, but we tracked our migrating osprey to Central Brazil, 8,000 km away.

Maybe now our work is done. We have no projects in sight.  The osprey are doing fine without us but we sincerely want to believe we were helpful in their recovery in our area.

As most of our Executive is between 75  and 82 years old we think it is time to quit.  Thus we are proposing to rescind our charitable organization status within the next 6 months and continue as an association with no obligations to government oversight.  This will mean that we will turn over our cash assets to a like-minded ecological organization.

It takes a lot of effort to set up a functioning organization such as the Friends of the Osprey and it is a shame to let it go.  It is our intention to have volunteers continue to maintain existing platforms and respond to opportunities to continue educational work.  We hope to get some active new members involved and proceed with the enthusiasm we had when we were younger.

If you are interested in being a part of a re-purposing plan, please get in touch with us through our Contact page.

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